As an emergency service driver it is very important that you respond to an emergency. The emergency service driver must make sure he responds to the emergency as quick as he can, but must also do this safely.
When the emergency service driver wants to get to the scene quickly he puts his blue flashing lights. This makes the drivers move over to the side of the road, so he can get to the destination quickly. An emergency response driver can only use his blue flashing lights when:
–When they are responding to a emergency call with a grade of 1.
–When they want to let member of the public know there is a hazard on the road.
–When they need to get through busy traffic to an emergency scene.
Every emergency response driver must have zero percentage of alcohol level in his blood system. This is because any amount of alcohol can affect your reactions. You cannot have this because it is your job to transport the patience as quickly as possible but safely.
This is one of the most important jobs because without the transportation between the incident and the hospital, how would the emergency services do their job ?
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